S16 - We Got Milk

S16 - We Got Milk

Our current missions.

Session Summary

  1. We get the rules for the match!
    1. We're told not to use poison; if we're caught using it, we'll be forced to drink it
      1. Maybe I can fake dousing my weapon in a health potion if I get injured...
    2. Since Echo is still with The Queen of Thieves, Argoth convinces the other team to go no-pets, and 3 v 3
      1. Dolgroth is upset he's called a "Pet," but I tell him it stands for "Powerfully Evil Troublemaker"[1]
  2. Let the fight begin!
    1. We come in HOT at the start, getting in a couple good hits on Gunog
      1. We learn that people with Symbiotes might not be susceptible to charm
      2. Kreya (the orc with the Symbiote) charges me and wacks me good with her sword
        1. Then she whips her "cape" around and it sticks me with a little spike!
      3. Weela and Gunog are locked in combat, darting in and out of range!
    2. We clean house, and here are the highlights
      1. Weela wins the title of MVP with a Flaming Sphere, chasing our foes around the field while dancing blades with Gurog
        1. She also casts an illusion such that the boundary looked further away
        2. Seriously wounded, Kreya charged me, overshot, and went out of bounds.
      2. Argoth shot Scorching Ray into each of them
      3. I looked dashing, hurled an oil flask at the burning Mirabelle, and viciously mocked Gorug
  3. Kreya asks about my jarred symbiote, but we agree to meet at Smee's Palace before we leave
  4. Kevin Ewidlyr has a little heart-to-heart with Weela
  5. A mysterious stranger was watching us while we fought, and was waiting for us in the lobby of a building
    1. She appears as a human, but shifts her appearance to look like Kevin Ewidlyr, and Luna from Argoth's past, and indicates that Echo is safe, and changes into the shapes of my parents
    2. She says that if we can return a crest that Kevin Ewidlyr stole from her and then lost it, all of Echo's debts will be repaid.
    3. The Crest is in the inner city, a place Kevin Ewidlyr would rather work off his debt for the rest of his life than return to. So, a nice place for a picnic!

  1. This doesn't calm him down, but I think it's funny. ↩︎