S12 - Kevin Unclear

Our current missions.

Session Summary

Turns out Weela actually grew up around here in Southward!

  1. As we're travelling towards the Black Ivory Inn, I keep my eyes peeled for pieces of Delirium
    1. The proximity to the crash sit must be playing with my eyes... I can see pieces, but then I blink and it's gone.
  2. We encounter a hulking Haze Husk carrying a large chunk of Delirium in a metal cage
    1. After much debate, we go at it with a powerful opening volley
      1. Weela hurls blasts of eldritch power at it, but misses
      2. Echo summons a great storm, covering the road and striking it with powerful lightning blasts
      3. Argoth casts "Mind Sliver", inflicting psychic damage
      4. I call it an idiot.
    2. The fight is on!
      1. I cast Heat Metal on the cage of Delirium, but strangely, the spell doesn't take effect...
        1. The spell rebounds, and I am made invisible!
      2. After much fighting, it's Weela's armor which deals the final blow
  3. We cross a bridge, and on it, discover horrors.
    1. The bridge itself pulses, throbs; it is alive
    2. We each see horrors from our past
      1. I see my mother, singing a song to me, but then warped to cast me into fear
      2. I don't know what the others saw, but Weela was drawn towards the wall, and Argoth attacked it with magic
    3. We get through, but as we depart, a remnant, an echo of Weela calls out, distorted, and sinks into the ground
  4. As we reach the King's Gate, we see it is fortified with trolls
    1. The Rat Prince meets us, and offers us safe passage across the wall
    2. He gives us Hooded Lantern cloaks, and at the end, demands payment
      1. 5 rations or a sharp or a shiny!
      2. Argoth gives him 5 rations
  5. As we approach the Black Ivory Inn, we hear music and see the ground is covered in lush grass, and the trees are plump with leaves
    1. Weela sneaks up and spots Kevin Ewidlyr!
      1. We discuss what to do, and decide to walk in and talk with him
    2. A couple of observations as we walk in
      1. Many people of different factions, all hanging out
      2. No one objects to Argoth's meat puppet
      3. The music is being played by an amazing musician named Miss Charlotte
        1. Child prodigy, untaught, one of the best (if not THE best) pianists in the world.
    3. I walk up to Kevin Ewidlyr at the bar and try to start a conversation with him, but he is not picking up what I'm putting down.
      1. Doesn't get a rise out of anything, no major interaction, even when I mention The Queen of Thieves
      2. Weela comes up and sits next to us, and he turns to face her, but doesn't recognize her.