S06 - Petra-fied

Session Summary

  1. Pixie Stick's Ferry is the only reliable way to cross the River Drann
    1. Our clever guide Argoth reveals that he accepts coin-shaped objects, and pulls from his a coat a roll of buttons that he keeps around for Lukrum's enchanted eyepatch
  2. We make good time to the Rat's Nest Tavern, and when we arrive, the building is in rough shape
    1. Walls knocked, the street strewn with debris, and the original sign with a fat rat is across the street
    2. Echo observes that it's been turned to stone
      1. It looks like the tavern exploded, and through the process was turned to stone
      2. I realize that this must be one of the places where a fragment of the original explosion.
        1. The crystal, if it was here, was moved long ago, but there are some tracks that lead down further into the basement
    3. Ugh, rat droppings everywhere... the only good rat is fried, on a stick.
      1. In the dung, I notice footsteps and muddy tracks leading south to a sewer grate
  3. We choose to enter the sewer to search for Petra Lang
    1. As we go through the tunnel, It Is Pitch Dark, but we're all able to see in the darkness.
    2. Argoth hears voices, and around a corner, spies a group of Ratlings
      1. There is a large one, rubbing his front paws[1], and talking to himself, and telling stories of his adventures
    3. We sneak past them, and in another chamber, several rats are kneeling around a glowing effigy of an obese, demonic rat. They are chanting, and burning a foul, acrid incense, mumbling a garbled pidgin-common
    4. As we are sneaking past, Weela trips up, and all the rats scatter!
      1. We manage to kill one and wound two others, but Weela and Echo give chase
        1. The large rat we passed earlier wears a grown, has Delirium for teeth, and panics, claiming there must be 10 or more attackers
        2. He kills the wounded rat, and they all run away
      2. Meanwhile, Argoth summons a big scary illusion, and discovers Petra Lang!
        1. She reveals they were searching for the same crystal we want to sell to Rehani Miblepebble, and was a little upset at her brother Ansem Lang that he got us to come and rescue her.
  4. Grab the scrolls
    1. Bane, Faerie Fire, and Inflict Wounds, 4 slivers of Delirium, and 2 fragments
  5. We move forward, and find another rat's nest, and with an albino Ratling warlock as well - Ambush!
    1. Petra expertly executes two of the rats
    2. Argoth burns through claw and stinking fur
    3. Weela confronts the enemy warlock and trades in profane spells
    4. I and Echo restore Weela to her full faculties after being seriously wounded
    5. The Ratling Warlock disapparated, and then we spread out to mop-up the rest
    6. I did some killing!
  6. Once the enemies were cleared, we investigated the chamber
    1. There's a Delirium crystal in a silver-stone, placed in the center of the room on a stone pedestal.
      1. It appears to be the same piece from the crater above, and so with both Petra and the crystal, we should be able to leave this cave with all boxes checked.
    2. We find a... Dolgroth?
      1. It's a talking skull with a posh accent and delirium slivers for eyes, and appeared a little... unsettled when it saw there were more of us than just Echo.

  1. Paws? Hands? ↩︎