A few miles south east of Drakkenheim
- Living town
- busy civic center
- Traffics in weapons and delirium
- A Neutral ground among the factions
- Individuals that get uppity within factions are run-out
- Friendly/professional with adventurers
- Skull and Sword
- Gilded Lily
- Sounds like a brothel, but I don't think it is
- The Hendrix Farm
- One of the only remaining farms in town
- Bark and Buzzard
- The Red Lion
- Up-scale inn
- Crowe and Sons
- Eventide Manner
- Where Argoth lives and entraps adventurers
- Lukrum Stormrock is in permanent residence
- Rumors of riches are
Local Factions:
Alliances: Neutral ground
Notable Locations: Bark and Buzzard (local pub)
Notable NPCs: High Flame Keeper Ophelia Reed
Tags: #Location_Drakk